Maria Ines Colnaghi
- Ph.D. degree in Biology, University of Milan. - 1966-1970 Research Associate, Experimental Oncology, Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Milano. - 1970 to 1984 Vice Director of Experimental Oncology, Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Milano. - 1984 to 1999 Director,of Experimental Oncology, Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Milano. - 1992 to 1999 Head of the Department of Experimental Oncology, Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Milan. - 2000 to date Scientific Director of Italian Association for Cancer Research. Author of more than 300 publications, on various aspect of experimental oncology, including studies on chemical carcinogenesis, viral leukemogenesis and immunology of experimental and human tumors. A large part of Dr. Colnaghi's researches were focused on the development and application of monoclonal antibodies in oncology. During her career Dr. Colnaghi was: - Member of the Program Committee of the International Association for Breast Cancer Research. - Chairman of the Fellowship Committee of the European Association for Cancer Research. - President of the GCI (Group of Immunology Cooperation). - Secretary of the Italian Federation of the Immunological Societies. - Grant Reviewer for Italian Association for Cancer Research, for Italian MURST (Ministry University and Scientific and Technologic Research) and for Italian Ministry of health and others. - Member of the Editorial Board and/or referee for several International cancer journals.