Conferences archive > 2015 > SPEAKERS & ABSTRACTS

Vinod K. Bhutani

Professor Vinod K. Bhutani of Stanford University is a basic scientist of neonatal physiology, US trained pediatrician and American board certified neonatologist. The primary objectives of my research are to advance translational research in neonatology through design and use of innovative and evidence-based technologies/tool-kits that are intuitive, practical and reduce neonatal morbidities. 5 specific investigative domains that are specifically aimed to reducing childhood morbidity and mortality support these aims. These include: (i) application of fetal and neonatal physiological principles to translation basic science; (ii) elucidation of early clinical biomarkers in long-term maternal-fetal health and developing targeted interventions; (iii) design of affordable, high quality evidence-based biotechnologies for global reduction of infant mortality and morbidities; (iv) translation of clinical evidence to systems application and operationalization through novel healthcare access; and (v) prevention (specifically) of jaundice-related newborn brain damage through systems-approach, biotechnologies and chemoprevention. His scholarship is focused on outcomes of high-risk infants, neonatal bilirubin injury, and evidence-based interventions to improve outcomes, all of which are fully consistent with the objectives of the proposed study. Linking the insights obtained from thorough studies of advanced predictive models of epidemiologic indices to clinical observations, and translating these into real and durable changes in clinical practice and health policy. One of his academic and global role at Stanford University as an experienced clinical investigator is to participate in the conduct of the Universal Rh Disease Elimination Studies at Stanford. He strives to reduce global morbidities and mortality in neonatal population in countries with fractured health care systems, regions of conflict as well as developed nations through a systems-approach coupled with novel clinical research.

Universal Eradication of Hemolytic Disease of Newborn: the CURhE Initiative

Prevention of Hemolytic Disease of Newborn has been one of the most successful accomplishments in the dramatic reduction of neonatal mortality and childhood disabilities in maternal child healthcare. Introduction of both antepartum and post partum prophylaxis that was initiated in North America and Europe in 1970s decreased the rate of sensitization of Rh-negative women who had been identified. These key steps led to an overwhelming and almost immediate improvement of mothers’ and their children’s health. However, we are still far away from winning this battle: in most emerging countries there is limited clinical access to screening and prophylaxis. Even in several western and well developed countries with stable healthcare economies, the implementation of these evidence-based practices  has been incomplete unless meticulously implemented. Today, we have not reached yet the global eradication goal. More than 100,000 avoidable neonatal deaths and a larger burden of infant disability is added every year.  In order to manage and eradicate his preventable disorder, a global initiative has been launched: CURhE, from the acronym Consortium for Universal Rh disease Eradication. This initiative will achieve its goals by improving patients’ access through education, relieving “bottlenecks” to clinical access and surveillance. Educating health care professionals, mothers and maternal child healthcare providers, enhancing the capacity for timely diagnosis and therapeutic networking for Rh disease prevention needs to embedded in the ongoing maternal-child health initiatives for safer birthing practices of emerging countries. Tailored strategies will be designed according to the diverse needs of the single countries and by identifying “country champions”: health care professionals able to engage local authorities, medical doctors and stakeholders toward the common objective of the “zero disease.”

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